The Weyr's Oath
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Followers and developers mingle in this community! To practice using Unreal Engine 5 I want to take up this project again someday if I find the right teammates or just the time. I have wanted to bring this universe to life since I started reading Anne McCaffrey's fiction in the early 2000's and in the last few years my knowledge of 3D art and game design has increased such that I could actually pursue this pretty easily now. My first goal is to create a AAA quality pernese dragon and start bringing resources I compiled for the Oath RPG I planned to host long ago so it can go into the source material for this immersive role playing environment. I plan for this to be some kind of simulation/sandbox where you play as two characters: the rider and mentally linked dragon. Giving you two distinct sides of play, along with the usual survival stuff that immerses like starving, resource gathering and having to craft your tools which break down with use, etc.
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November 18, 2022
- Rhodalle Sylthezyne
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